Fellowship Course

It was an era of novel discoveries. Genetics, genes, traits, and heredity were unknown till the 19th century. In general, what heredity was, was not understood correctly. The concept of a gene did not exist at all.  People believed that an organism’s traits were passed to the offspring in a mix of characteristics donated by […]

Click Here To Watch What Will Be Covered   About Fellowship accreditation A brief explanation of the subjects that will be taught in each module   Objective and benefits of each module How to access course content with lifetime access Exam pattern & Live activity sessions Career prospects after Fellowship completion You are most welcome to

Purpose & Goals of the Fellowship Dental and medical practice often requires an interdisciplinary approach integrating the knowledge, skills and experience of all the disciplines of dentistry, medicine and its associated fields into comprehensive treatment to maximize results. The purpose of this Fellowship Program is to keep dental and medical practitioners abreast and up-to-date to

As a superior species on this planet, we have travelled long through the odds of time. Today our race is approaching the summit of scientific advancements with integration of technology. With this rapid growth we now floating in an ocean of information. Almost every area of our lives—community, arts, health, business, science—is filled with information

By 2026 the Oral care industry is expected to reach USD 54.9 billion which is 47.2 Billion in 2021 as per CAGR Report. https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/oral-care-market-80546246.html This indicates the impact of oral healthcare research on the industry and also in creating jobs and introducing more entrepreneurs. Well this is just one example! Three big challenges that are the main

close up photography of a person holding cigarette

To smoke or not to smoke? Perhaps, this is a question that hovers in every teenager’s mind!..and I and you are no exceptions…isn’t it? The unfathomable curiosity that drives a human mind towards the “First Puff” is generally attributed to the chemical drama of our hormones. Thereon, I am pretty sure we all have had

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