Mini•SAL™ and Midi•SAL™

Mini•SAL™ and Midi•SAL™ DNA isolation kits for superior extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from saliva and/or buccal cells. These kits have been specifically optimized for use with the DNA•SAL™ Salivary DNA Collection Device, but may be used effectively with other methods of saliva collection, subject to satisfactory validation. NOTE: The sample collected using the DNA•SAL™ Salivary DNA Collection Device [Catalog Number DNAS-102], is considered a mixture of saliva, epithelial cells and stabilization solution.
For processing small sample volumes of 0.1 – 1.0 mL, the Mini•SAL™ Saliva DNA Isolation Kit is recommended. The Mini•SAL™ has been optimized for 0.1-1.0 mL sample volumes.
For processing larger sample volumes of 1.0–3.0 mL for applications such as Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) or next generation sequencing, the Midi•SAL™ Saliva DNA Isolation Kit is recommended. The Midi•SAL™ has been optimized for 1.0 – 3.0 mL sample volumes and can accommodate the full DNA•SAL™ collection volume in a single isolation.
The DNA isolated using either the Mini•SAL™ or Midi•SAL Saliva DNA Isolation Kits is ideal for PCR, hybridization, sequencing, and other downstream applications.